Category Archives: Pop-Off

The Double F-Word: Puss in Flip Flops

I own a very majestic pair of flip-flops worthy of writing an ode to some day.  We don’t walk far using them, and we certainly don’t ride on the plane, train or bus with them.  Whether you want to capitalize the F or do a dash, we could really give a flying fork about this particular category of footwear, and can barely contain disgust with inappropriate use of what we consider beach/shower shoes. Situationally if you aren’t near water, your couch or a hammock, heck you doing wearing flip-flops out and about as if they were real shoes?? Open-back thong FFs are not real shoes! Love ’em for stationary activities, but walking, they make a sound like flip , flop — like fingernails on the whiteboard of the mind, yet more wretched. Public flip-flop wearers become ineffectual wusses if an everyday emergency presents itself. Worse if it’s a multi-emergency, you’re reliant on someone else to help you, or at least risk cutting short a fun excursion (no fun) or worse having to waste rescue-workers’ time. Have some bloody respect for your feet.

Consider this a love note. If something berserk goes down — you’re a pussy for letting something so simple — not having solid shoes — ruin your day, screw it summer. We don’t care which sex you are. You can carry a pair of decent slides in a pack to use as needed while trooping in your propers. We’ll even raise you a backup pair if you’re by the water. It’s hoping for the best & expecting the worst as an mRNA shot for having all the clues when it comes to shoes. You can’t be anything but an embarrassment if you show up to certain social situations with flips. Flops suck for walking stairs, driving automobiles, earthquake evacuations and strolling in the trashy rain.  Flip flops, slides, slippers, sandals and that whole family of footwear works greater by the beach, pool or beanbag chair. Buy a fresh pair. Make it count. Don’t be a puss in flops when life pulls up and steps on your toe.

Misogyny-promoting StockX Won’t Get a Dime From Us

We love sneakers. Never been a fan of re-buying sneakers for exorbitant amounts but we support those who are (especially the sellers). We flipped a pair of made-in-USA Supreme Vans on eBay about 15 years ago. Now why is online marketplace StockX (an ebay on steroids) giving a platform to some mad male who spouts deplorable untruths on their twitter feed? This is what their editorial director has to say about a widely cherished British author whose books are enjoyed by millions.

<Very dumb tweet that is technically libel. Image removed>

Bull. Only a fool believes that J.K. Rowling is actually a ‘nightmare, anti-LGBT crusader’. Anyone who reads newspapers knows she’s been on the most liberal side of fighting for ‘lives of the vulnerable’ since this twitter user was probably in diapers. Let’s give ignorance an excuse for the sake and add that going after Rowling with the viciousness that alt-right froggies went after Hillary 5 years ago is a terrible look. Aren’t we trying to welcome more women into sneaker culture? We don’t like this editorialization at all.

<Another, even dumber tweet calling someone TERF. Image removed>

Hello? Why are they throwing the acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist around as a stand-in for ‘witch’ or some other insult so casually? Pretty much everyone can see sneaker culture has a male-dominance problem. Why is StockX giving props to some uninformed literary critic that drops stinky posts like this on a public forum ?

Until StockX can show a bit more editorial responsibility around the edges we recommend avoiding the platform. There are plenty of other locations, both online to sell and buy sneakers and other items that don’t platform furious males who try to ruin art made by women via lies and smears.

“Opinions expressed are our own”. Of course. We’re constantly hearing how men need to “do better”. From one man to another hu-man: StockX, do better, or just change the name to StockXY and be the go-to site for disaffected name-callers.