There’s a new Giuseppe Zanotti ad with Young Thug for these sneakers whose outsoles form Cobras. Even immune from feeling some-type-of-way types can’t deny that these are statement-type kicks (to say the least). And while maybe not to the extent of a >1000 price, they are from a respected shoemaker and we’d guess aren’t plasticky, flakey or breaky-prone. Instead of asking WHY there is a shoe like this, why aren’t your sneakers incorporating nature-based sculpture for their outsole designs? No actual cobras were harmed in the making of these. The uppers are (cow) leather with snake-shaped polymer-based “rubber” on the lowers.
I haven’t seen these in real life yet, but what better way to solidify the aesthetic by preemptively accessorizing a genuine cobra belt with a head-buckle. The more proof they need, the harder the dunk. In their face! Though you should never let a doubter get that close. There are a lot of lame looking faux skins on shoes these days. GZ isn’t trying to lie to us about materials (unlike other snakeskin shoefakers). It’s on us to raise our fangs to that reality-level.
There is something G.I. Joe about these Cobra shoes—talking Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness, Serpentor-type somethings. New Era had, at times, a run of Cobra hats. That would cap off a snake-look something nice. Especially if you know your Joe (Cobra were too cool to fully root against). Wearing the Cobra with the Cobra would convey a sense of humor and serve as a reverse conversation ice-breaker to begin all conversation ice-breakers. Please refer to the Marvel comics for true canon.
Movie fans. Raiders of the Lost Ark had a playset for the Well Of Souls (the snake protected chamber of the Ark). Those were asps and not cobras, but the reminder reminded. Who’s looking forward to the new Indiana Jones movie btw?

In the Well of Souls (soles?) there were snakes.
The GZ Cobra shoes are sized for men but gals can certainly apply the minus 1.5 rule. What would Medusa wear to the prom after all? My mom said they seemed like something for 5—16 year-olds. Doubtless the fantastical cosplay potential is huge. Check out the Giuseppe ad here:
Where were YOU when you first saw the cobra shoe?