Misogyny-promoting StockX Won’t Get a Dime From Us

We love sneakers. Never been a fan of re-buying sneakers for exorbitant amounts but we support those who are (especially the sellers). We flipped a pair of made-in-USA Supreme Vans on eBay about 15 years ago. Now why is online marketplace StockX (an ebay on steroids) giving a platform to some mad male who spouts deplorable untruths on their twitter feed? This is what their editorial director has to say about a widely cherished British author whose books are enjoyed by millions.

<Very dumb tweet that is technically libel. Image removed>

Bull. Only a fool believes that J.K. Rowling is actually a ‘nightmare, anti-LGBT crusader’. Anyone who reads newspapers knows she’s been on the most liberal side of fighting for ‘lives of the vulnerable’ since this twitter user was probably in diapers. Let’s give ignorance an excuse for the sake and add that going after Rowling with the viciousness that alt-right froggies went after Hillary 5 years ago is a terrible look. Aren’t we trying to welcome more women into sneaker culture? We don’t like this editorialization at all.

<Another, even dumber tweet calling someone TERF. Image removed>

Hello? Why are they throwing the acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist around as a stand-in for ‘witch’ or some other insult so casually? Pretty much everyone can see sneaker culture has a male-dominance problem. Why is StockX giving props to some uninformed literary critic that drops stinky posts like this on a public forum ?

Until StockX can show a bit more editorial responsibility around the edges we recommend avoiding the platform. There are plenty of other locations, both online to sell and buy sneakers and other items that don’t platform furious males who try to ruin art made by women via lies and smears.

“Opinions expressed are our own”. Of course. We’re constantly hearing how men need to “do better”. From one man to another hu-man: StockX, do better, or just change the name to StockXY and be the go-to site for disaffected name-callers.

Advanced Walking Technique #7: Orbiting

Orbiting is when you arrive near your destination, then take a little walk around the block or area before your appointment or task. “Around” may be imagined in the loosest form, so zig-zagging circuitous routes count too. Orbiting gives one a chance to collect thoughts, gather info (such as where to get a ginger ale) and prepare for spaceship-like landings.

See more Advanced Walking Techniques

Shoe Game Chess

Welcome players. The game of Chess starts you with sixteen pieces of six different types. Here we break down the six in terms of shoe-game. With nothing but love: Shoe Game Chess.


This is your best pair of shoes, your favorite, your top kicks. Hard to kill. You keep them protected. If your place is on fire, there you are climbing down an emergency rope ladder with these in your teeth. It’s game over if you lose the king. We don’t make the rules but this one is obvious.


Your most powerful pair. Think versatility. Footwear you can travel in, go places, do things, just as royally as the king but with more mobility. Someone that never saw your best shoes should assume these are. Queen can be your everything, certainly your almost-anything, embodying the best of the other pieces and able to offend and defend the whole shebang.


Boots. Dress boots, thigh-highs, chukkas, wellies, some damn boots. No matter where you are, a pair of boots remain handy in your corner, deployed strategically, and for dual uses — sometimes even three. Life tells you what kind you’ll need. Spend more on less. Be ready to castle-up and keep the royal couple chambered on snowy hikes and woody worksites.


Church shoes, job shoes. wedding shoes, court shoes, funeral shoes:  Hope mainly for one out of those five. Throw on some Bishops to slide in or out of social situations diagonally and be on guard for sharks in nice-pairs that may be scheming on your pieces from afar. Bishop and Knight are of the same material value. How one uses each depends chiefly on play-style.


Athletic footwear, sneakers, trainers. Sneaks enable you to take part in activities that regular hard-bottomed clunkers can prohibit. We don’t need a closet full of 16+ pairs (remember this isn’t checkers), but everyone deserves some well-fitting, ready-to-jump-around-in pair of sneakers to make L-shaped hops, capture the day’s goals and work that body.


Check the breezeway. Could be old vet versions of your higher value pieces, could be slippers, flip flops or crap shoes — could be first responders. Pawns doesn’t mean you can’t make meaningful moves — even change the game. When they reach the end of the board (life) it’s an opportunity to upgrade on another one of the aboves.


Whenever We May Roam (Again): Koya Rove Packable Trail Shoes

It may seem hard to imagine, especially if you’re in the United States with COVID-19 rates steadily rising as we stumble into the (happier) new year, but we will be travelling again. We will be— like David Bronkie, founder of Koya got tired of doing— awkwardly packing dirty runners into carry-on luggage, stuffed in plastic bags or wrapped in something weird. Bronkie came up with the Koya system of trail running sneakers (the Rove) that can be folded relatively flat and packed neatly into a carrying case (the Roam) that resembles a CD envelope. Check out the video:

Koya is presently in the crowdfunding stage, which appears to be running far past its goal. The presentation is comprehensive and impressive so it’s no surprise other trail-running light-packing travel bugs seem to agree. We look forward to following the journey of this innovative offering into 2021 and beyond.

Advanced Walking Technique #6 : HEADSWIVELING

(Owl images from Johns Hopkins University via BBC)

A stretching exercise you can do while walking and looking. Excerwalking. You’re turning your noggin a little bit to the left and right, every step. You can go 90 degrees each way right? Use headswiveling to snap-survey your surroundings, find paths ahead, and note potential stumbling blockage. Cheat a little with your back and see how close you can get to 180. Owls can do about 270.

When you’re stopped for a moment is also a great time to take your neck for a mini-spin. The wise owl, the 3-point baller, the giant robot, all turn their heads to get a better look; that’s advanced walking technique #6. Look all ways while crossing a broad way. You might avoid getting clipped by a scooter.

Check out more AWTs — be safe out there !

Toughening Up Your Shoe Game

Are you running things, or slipping up?

Ideally our roads are never rocky, but to be unprepared for life’s gravel and pebbles due to making poor footwear choices is indefensible. Just in case you’re the type to bring a flip-flop to a boot fight, read on. 

Standing in a long line (such as to vote), going on a march, preparing for a wildfire or earthquake-related evacuation, running for what you think could be your life after several manhole covers erupt sending flames over the street— these are a few situations where you want to be wearing solid shoes. Did you hear about the Global Citizen music fest in Central Park a couple years ago— where thousands of revelers ran every which way after a falling fence was thought to be a gunshot? We’ve been seeing what people have been wearing at some of these protests. In 2020, whenever you leave home you should think about roadblocks and emergency situations where your shoe game should be much stronger than it looks from our stoop. 

When going to a conference, activist march, or something geo-political in nature where there could be crowds and unfamiliar territory, you should choose footwear carefully. Even if you don’t expect hostile environments— parades, nature hikes, music fests (we really miss those), plain old long days can turn into nightmares if you’re walking around in pathetic shoes. At minimum you’re risking daily comfort which can slow drip into a bad mood. You’ll be one of those I-need-to-go-back-to-the-hotel whiners on vacay. At maximum you’re failing to plan in case of emergency — sacrificing the mission whatever yours may be. No one writes “walk through kilometers of wet grass and gravel” on their daily planner. 


Keep sandals, flip-flops, slides — things that expose a majority of your feet — as house shoes. If you’re going to a march, conference or show and may be bus/train-traveling to another city or town— don’t be the sap wearing the aforementioned shower shoes.
By now, every workplace (sadly) has active-shooter instructions which explicitly have “fight back” as a final option. If you can’t stomp a mudhole in somebody’s ass with them, you are an ass for wearing them! I once had a good footwear discussion with a woman who just got off the subway after witnessing a sociopathic bullying incident. We agreed there’s no sense in walking around ANY city street or stepping onto public transportation with something like flip-flops. Violence is bad yes, but you need to be ready at all times to run for your life if violence occurs or kick a criminal in the crotch if you’re an unwitting first responder. Flip-flops say ‘mess with me’, boots say ‘don’t‘. 


Keep your shoes tied when you’re on the move or you risk getting sicker, easier, quicker— entirely possibly—it’s important that they don’t touch the ground while walking. Through trace amounts of animal feces and bird dung on the ground “in the world” the diarrhea causing bacteria C. difficile “C-Diff” can travel from the bottoms of our shoes into the human body. It’s a safeguard against joining the feeling-sick club. If you must do the effortless swag thing— make sure the laces don’t touch the ground— especially walking around densely populated areas. There are plenty of stylish ways to lace your shoes. You can even buy a pair of shorter length laces than what came stock on your kicks. If the ship hits the fan and you have to run and your shoe falls off — you are a loser in the true sense of the word.


Unless you’re doing ballet or sauntering indoors — duck those flats. They offer little-to-no support or shielding. Even the name is weak. “Flats”. That they’re an alternative to heels does not mean they’re good for rocky roads or sketchy streets. There are plenty of what your mother would call feminine shoes that are suitable for work and formal situations despite what weakling fashion sites tell you.  Get some footwear with laces and an anatomical footbed to support your dual anacondas. When I see women trucking the streets of Manhattan in what are essentially slippers, I can almost hear her pinky toes crying out. There can be contractual stipulations on what type of footwear is acceptable for women in the workplace, but in 2020 we bet you can find a happy medium. Tell your boss Popdiatry gave you permission to wear shoes with laces or another suitable enclosure system. Nothing says “I fought the power, and the power won” like wearing flats in a revolutionary atmosphere. You’re not a cheap plastic doll. Get some real shoes.



Socks absorb moisture from your sweaty-ass feet, aid your footwears’ lifespan, and offer a courtesy layer if you’re asked to remove your shoes at a friend’s place. Darn Tough hikers, Wrightsock runners, bodega cheapos, “no-shows”, tube socks- get some freaking socks sis/bro or you don’t belong in this disco. In times of chill barefoot is great for sand and grass, but out of respect and common sense, if you’re going to be trooping to unknown territory — see what’s out there and invest in stockings. The friend referenced in the first sentence might be savvy enough to choose friends wiser and sockless birdbrains might never get a chance to make a first impression.  

Shoe CFO Tricked Away Millions to Gold Digger of the Century

Greetings friends. We’ve no affiliation with Alden Shoes other than our appreciation for their history and knowledge that they’re one of the top men’s shoe crafters in the United States; some would say the world. So when I saw the family-run shoe company was a victim of massive embezzlement numbering into the multi-millions, and the primary beneficiary seems to be an award-winning producer-host-news anchor turned Kardashian-Paltrow wannabe, my first thought was “damn”.

Read The article by Janelle Nanos here

TV watchers in the Boston area may have wondered how mild-mannered WCVB anchor Bianca de la Garza was on Channel 5 casting the news one day, and the next she was suddenly some super”beauty-product” magnate. According to the article, most of the startup cash for de la Garza’s latest enterprises came by way of longtime Alden Shoe Company’s CFO Richard Hajjar’s pilfering the company’s bank account for years. CFO now stands for “Cops Found Out” because his dumb head and her big butt (inextricably connected it seems) were uncovered by a financial forensics investagtion that has the potential to be made into a film someday. Richard may go down as the biggest scumbag in shoe history.

Something everyone can relate to hit me in the piece. The moment someone who tried to rip you off or owes you money begins a series of pathetic dodges. Hajjar did the classic dishonest duck on calls from Alden’s president. “stopped showing up to work“, texts “not feeling well“, sounding like the classic drug-fiend move. But Hajjar was apparently addicted to lavishing gifts upon de la Garza that would freeze a true player in disbelief. $1.1 million New York City co-op, a Benz, diamonds, handbags—Hajjar broke every rule in so many Hip-Hop songs and other works of fiction, so much that the magnitude of the embezzling seems like only something that a writer of fiction could think! Upwards of 15 Million* dollars stolen directly from this classic shoemaker’s bank!

I stopped by Alden’s 5th Ave shop not long before the COVID-19 shutdown to check out the latest. Did you know Alden makes shoes in multiple widths such as “C” and “EE”? I saw some very cool pebble-grained ones with a cap toe and had a little conversation with the staff about nothing in particular (my favorite activity). I feel bad for Alden and hope they can retrieve these assets. All you guys out there with some crazy buddies that may be miniature versions of Richard Hajjar—giving all of someone else’s money (or their own) away for some… friendship? You might want to speak up and tell your friend to get some game.

  • amount fluctuates as additional info’s parsed BUT IT’S A LOT

Thanks again to Janelle Nanos for going in on this for the Boston Globe yesterday

Allbirds Trino™ Socks

An honest sock review requires wearing said socks at least a few miles, a few times and seeing how they hold over a few washes. Allow us a quick first impression. Any shoe-watcher worth their weight in soles has been eyeing Allbirds since they burst onto the scene with their “best slice in town” approach to marketing footwear with wool uppers. I’m a fan of their shop on Spring Street in Manhattan. We like what they’re doing with materials. We love how they responded to Amazon’s craven cloning with a bit of swagger. Allbirds open-sources their proprietary materials and Trino™ are their latest sock offering and they contain eucalyptus tree fibers combined with their favorite Merino wool and more.

Succulent Trino™ Tubers from Allbirds

A good sock often contains a good blend, like a good wine.  These Tubers are 50% Tencel, 22% Merino, 17% recycled nylon, 4% recycled polyester, 4% polyester, 1% nylon, and 2% Spandex. That’s a lot of different grapes. Sounds like the sock scientists pulled all-nighters settling on that ratio! Bless them. Kathy, a retired RN from Brockton Massachusetts was kind enough to give us a few test steps in these Trinos™.

How do you like the Allbirds socks? “I like ’em.”

Gimmie Some Regular Sneakers

Never let high-fashion or fashion-while-high rapid fire so-called fashion sneakers into your subconscious and get you down! Think hard about some of the best people in your life—could be family, friend, workmate. Maybe they wore some sneakers. What kind? Can’t remember. Because it didn’t matter. Because you weren’t some judgy paint-by-numbers fop following what some affiliate-ad pumpers conjured into cool. Fashion companies that have no business doing shoes will drop a zany, impractical trainer with a $1200 tag just to stick in their 5th ave front window. How about some regular sneakers? Like the Katt Williams regular weed bit. Like some damn sneakers that are under $70 and are made by a bonafide shoe company whose sole purpose is to create footwear and not trick you into thinking the pack is extra special because they injected steroids into the price.

Regular sneakers you can jump around in, crease, spill salsa on, mosh in a pit, scrape it against the office chair leg or scuff up on the bike pedal. Something that fits great will feel great, and you should enjoy damaging them. Dirt on the soles, scuffs on the heel. Pre-dirtied could never. Are you afraid to get your fancy sneakers dirty on the grass? Pussy. Your reg sneaks could always be a general release version of your favorite rare pair. They can be whatever. The more low-key, the more they can fit into social situations and you’re not looking like you’re trying to pose for an album cover when all you create are dirty dishes.

Most of the time no one cares about what’s on our stupid feet as long as you don’t step on theirs. You should flex appropriate for the situation. Sure, but most shoe people underestimate people’s eyesight anyhow. A jerk in Jordans probably has less real friends than a saint in Skechers. Unless you are in the trenches of competitive fashion warfare tiptoeing over tripwires of self esteem, forget over-reading and scrolling through endless kicks—getting emotional about the different Nikedidas model numbers, standing in line for some synthetic sneakers that are a different “colorway” of what Tom, Dick & Harry already got <alarm sound> put away your phone and get some regular sneakers.

Puma Tazons. $60. Great regular sneakers. Comfortable, lasted pretty good. No stress. No affiliation.

Atlantic City: Great Place to Shoe Shop

Nobody’s paying us to write it. We don’t even like gambling. Atlantic City New Jersey is a great place to shoe and sneaker shop why? Because there are so many stores clustered within short distance of each other. There are great assemblages of brands N’ shoppes in New York City yes. Philadelphia, DC-Maryland-Virginia and Boston have spots—agreed. You could never visit as many outlets in such a short time though, and the traffic is way less clumpy here.

Off B'way AC
Peep the gull jam

 You could hit Nike, Puma, Crocs and Clarks before your hungover friends even get coffee and still have another shortlist of brands to see. Shoe heads know factory shops tend to have the latest offerings from brands as well as random accessories you wouldn’t normally come across. If your favorites don’t directly yield anything, there’s an Off Broadway Shoe Warehouse around the corner with a gigantic selection and fruitful clearance racks. For those into rarefied pairs of sneakers there’s a buy/sell/trade/consignment shop called Swapz AC on Arctic Ave.

Tons of Shoes

On a pleasant day, it’s quite a nice stroll—especially compared to the average stress of the northeast locales mentioned above. If you find yourself near the Sheraton Hotel near the convention center you can get a post-shopping drink at the Shoe Bar on the second floor (drinking establishment decorated with fancy shoes in glass cases).

Gambling may be a tax for people bad at math, but it’s a safe bet that if you’re in need of a fresh pair and want to see what most of the popular brands are dangling, AC NJ may deal out a winning hand for your feet.