Tag Archives: 3T

Things You Already Know: May

You already know about 

Pic: Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images via Bloomberg
Pic: Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images via Bloomberg


You already know that we save pictures of discarded shoes for Instagram, but this one was too rectangular for IG:

I can't remember where I saw these- could have been Broadway in Brooklyn, or maybe Delancey Street ~Pop
I can’t remember where I saw these- could have been Broadway in Brooklyn, or maybe Delancey Street ~Pop


You already know about minimalist toe-shoes. Vibram has FiveFingers (5 toe slots), Fila has Skele-Toes (4 toe slots) and now Body Glove occupies the “3-toe” slot between Fila and  Ninja Tabis with their 3T line of footwear:

Body Gloves for feets
Body Gloves for feets
Spotted at Famous Footwear Westgate Mall Brockton MA
Spotted at Famous Footwear Westgate Mall Brockton MA


You already knew the big boxing match was going to be a disappointment. How about that Clippers-Spurs game though?