An honest sock review requires wearing said socks at least a few miles, a few times and seeing how they hold over a few washes. Allow us a quick first impression. Any shoe-watcher worth their weight in soles has been eyeing Allbirds since they burst onto the scene with their “best slice in town” approach to marketing footwear with wool uppers. I’m a fan of their shop on Spring Street in Manhattan. We like what they’re doing with materials. We love how they responded to Amazon’s craven cloning with a bit of swagger. Allbirds open-sources their proprietary materials and Trino™ are their latest sock offering and they contain eucalyptus tree fibers combined with their favorite Merino wool and more.

A good sock often contains a good blend, like a good wine. These Tubers are 50% Tencel, 22% Merino, 17% recycled nylon, 4% recycled polyester, 4% polyester, 1% nylon, and 2% Spandex. That’s a lot of different grapes. Sounds like the sock scientists pulled all-nighters settling on that ratio! Bless them. Kathy, a retired RN from Brockton Massachusetts was kind enough to give us a few test steps in these Trinos™.
How do you like the Allbirds socks? “I like ’em.”