Tag Archives: flipflops

The Double F-Word: Puss in Flip Flops

I own a very majestic pair of flip-flops worthy of writing an ode to some day.  We don’t walk far using them, and we certainly don’t ride on the plane, train or bus with them.  Whether you want to capitalize the F or do a dash, we could really give a flying fork about this particular category of footwear, and can barely contain disgust with inappropriate use of what we consider beach/shower shoes. Situationally if you aren’t near water, your couch or a hammock, heck you doing wearing flip-flops out and about as if they were real shoes?? Open-back thong FFs are not real shoes! Love ’em for stationary activities, but walking, they make a sound like flip , flop — like fingernails on the whiteboard of the mind, yet more wretched. Public flip-flop wearers become ineffectual wusses if an everyday emergency presents itself. Worse if it’s a multi-emergency, you’re reliant on someone else to help you, or at least risk cutting short a fun excursion (no fun) or worse having to waste rescue-workers’ time. Have some bloody respect for your feet.

Consider this a love note. If something berserk goes down — you’re a pussy for letting something so simple — not having solid shoes — ruin your day, screw it summer. We don’t care which sex you are. You can carry a pair of decent slides in a pack to use as needed while trooping in your propers. We’ll even raise you a backup pair if you’re by the water. It’s hoping for the best & expecting the worst as an mRNA shot for having all the clues when it comes to shoes. You can’t be anything but an embarrassment if you show up to certain social situations with flips. Flops suck for walking stairs, driving automobiles, earthquake evacuations and strolling in the trashy rain.  Flip flops, slides, slippers, sandals and that whole family of footwear works greater by the beach, pool or beanbag chair. Buy a fresh pair. Make it count. Don’t be a puss in flops when life pulls up and steps on your toe.


Say Aloha to Island Slippers

I’m going to write something nice about flip-flops (the double F-word) for the first time ever, specifically these Island Slipper men’s Paniolo sandals handcrafted in Hawaii, USA  that I happily purchased with my own Benjamin.


Popdiatry recommends not wearing flip-flops on city streets, while travelling (planes and trains), and definitely not while driving. I was looking for something that surrounded my foot with leather, and these do that.

If you’re going to flip-flop, do it right and spend a little more than it would cost for lunch at Wendy’s. These are your feet! Island Slipper has lots of designs using leather, suede, and denim- materials we feel offer a happier foot-feel than plastic/foam.


When it’s summer, and I’m at my place working on the computer for long hours, these cowhide leather-topped flip-flops feel perfect on my bare feet, and I look forward to the natural wear they will incur throughout the many years I imagine owning them.IslandSlipperGrassy

They have some arch to them, a heal cup, and a non-marking rubber deck outsole, so you won’t scuff up the yacht.


Island Slipper makes sandals for men and women, and offers true number sizes (not like S/M/L/XL) The slippers are made upon order and find their way to your doorstep in about three weeks after confirmation.


The embossed leather pattern is very cool, asymmetrical, and florally Hawaiian they way I imagine a Hawaiian shirt pattern.


I have an inexpensive pair of foam slides for walking around after a shower, but they were very un-chill to wear for long periods of time with their ultra-synthetic feel. When I slide my feet into leather Island Slippers, I want to keep them on. 


The Island Slipper staff was very friendly and helpful, and I look forward to sharing more thoughts about their unique products. 

Comedy Kicks #2

P. Adidas is launching an app soon that will allow users to print custom photographs on sneakers. What could go wrong with that?

TJ: I can’t see a problem with that… actually I see one problem so far- it’s the very first picture I saw- nobody should be wearing hamburger shoes.

P. Especially with some of these rats in New York City-you know, since I started doing this shoe blog I’ve been asked questions about vegan and vegetarian options for shoes- not to eat- just to wear!

TJ: I don’t think that’s possible because even if you go with no footwear at all, your feet are made of meat, so you’re screwed either way.

P. Do you have a position on flip-flops?

TJ: Good question- usually on top of them- that’s my usual position if I wear them. . .  that’s a tricky one- flip-flops in general- one, growing up, we used to call them thongs, have you heard that before?

P. Yep

TJ: Yeah, then obviously as a teenager I found out a thong is a very different thing- not nearly as comfortable to wear on your feet.. flip-flops- I know some people have very strong opinions on them, and I feel like I fall somewhere in the middle. I know that I’ve made some terrible flip-flop mistakes in my past, things like wearing flip-flops with jeans for instance- I believe that to be a no-no. I have some friends who are like “flip-flops are never acceptable footwear”, except I think those people would probably say “in the shower”, because you’re protecting your feet from something. I know I would certainly judge someone, no matter what other clothes they were wearing, if they were wearing flip-flops in the winter. At that point you’re just showing off.

P. Do you remember velcro shoes?

TJ: Absolutely, I had some as a kid. I just feel like your shoes shouldn’t make that much noise going on or off- especially off. Any time you’re about to do something where you need to take your shoes off it’s usually a pretty chill activity; you’re going to sit down and watch a movie, you’re going to bed, you’re winding down at that point- it shouldn’t be a moment where you’re startled awake by the noise of ripping plastic.

P. We know when it comes to personal fashion, that there are no rules- but there are, and they come into play when you notice someone breaking them badly. Have you noticed any blatant rule-breakers in New York City lately? 

TJ: I think it’s ballsy to wear any kind of open footwear in New York City, and I think it specifically means Manhattan for some reason… on a really nice summer day I’ll walk in my (Brooklyn) neighborhood in shorts and flip-flops to go the Bodega, or the park, as long as it’s close by, but if I have to take public transportation and go underground I need coverage on my feet. I knew that before, but I just learned from my mother, who’s been doing some essential oils therapy- this woman told her that your biggest pores are on the bottom of your feet- a lot of these essential oils that this lady uses- they rub them on their feet because that’s how it gets into your bloodstream the quickest…


P. Fascinating.

TJ: Instinctually I have been doing that, but now it’s even more important that if you are going anywhere underground in New York City, cover up your feet! Not just the bottoms because things can seep down. I never know what’s in the subway. The station near my home is so dank and drippy- there’s so much standing water and dripping water that I just go there to spot ninja turtles. I don’t want to be caught anywhere near there with my feet exposed.

Check out TJ Young in real life at ThatTJ.com