Tag Archives: gravity

Sensor Sandals in Space

This week a spacecraft carrying three earthlings launched out of Kazakhstan bound for the International Space Station. While doing their daily workouts on the space station’s ARED (Advanced Resistive Exercise Device), a couple of the spacemen will be wearing these sensor-laden sandals made by Xsens called Force shoes.

XSENS sandalThese sensors will transmit measurements of ground reaction force and load bearing data as the feet torque and twist during ARED workouts. NASA researchers will use the info to further study exercise strategy designed to reduce the loss of bone and muscle strength that travellers experience during long space flights.

XSENSforceShoeSensorFootwearI can’t see any buckles or buttons, so I assume the straps must be velcro.  What must it be like to pull velcro in space?  Presumably, in the name of science, the space station crew gets a pass from the fashion police to wear socks with sandals