Last Thursday and Friday, a diving team swept a flooded mine in Grand Rapids, Minnesota for a missing pair of the ruby-red shoes Judy Garland’s Dorothy wore in “The Wizard Of Oz”. Oz-heads know there were at least four to twenty (?) pairs of the shiny shoes used during the actual filming of WOO; One was stolen from a private collection in 2005 and there have since been rumors they were chucked into this old mine now filled with water in Grand Rapids; Minnesota not Michigan.
Wednesday would have been Garland’s 93rd birthday; She was born in Grand Rapids and the dive itself was part of an annual event thrown by the Judy Garland Museum called The Wizard Of Oz Festival. Footage from the scuba mission (which did not yield the slippers) will be used in an upcoming documentary titled “The Slippers”. If you were there you have the chance to be in the final film.
The museum puts on a surprising amount of family-friendly “Oz” and Garland-history events; They’re also asking you, dear readers and red-slipper aficionados, to keep an eye out for these missing iconic heels.
Pssst. There’s still a few days to see the Shoerageousexhibit put on by Creativity Explored in San Francisco, CA. There you’ll see a handpicked collection of drawings and sculpture inspired by the shoe and sneaker.
You already know right? Basketball star Ron Artest aka Metta World Peace..
He’s playing for the Sichuan Blue Whales in the Chinese Basketball Association this year.
Art came to life via sneakers and books available for sale directly from Metta’s World Wide Website.
What more can I say? He’s top billing.
You are going to get it; shoes with blood designed onto them. The NBA’s Dwyane Wade posted them first.
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Sneakers actually; just in time for Halloween from Li-Ning. They might have something promotional to do with a cable TV show about a killer. Surely they’ll be great to wear at job interviews and other dress-to-impress occasions.
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Not to be misread as the shoe company Dexter– the old school New England brand whose founder is said to have started the country’s first factory-outlet…
Readers may recognize Dexter as the inexpensive offerings seen on JC Penny, Payless, and Sears shelves. Did you know Dexter has a deluxe bowling category and sell what they claim is the world’s most advanced bowling shoe– the SST 8, featuring removable heels and soles?
Visualiser at
What are.
The most expensive shoes in the world ?
What more can you say about the shoes Nick Cannon wore hosting an America’s Got Talent TV show? Shown above kindly removing before walking on a performer’s smart dress…
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Cannon and Tom Ford brought them to life in the form of diamond encrusted loafers. Jason the jeweler tags them at 2 million. Chances are they’ll be auctioned off for charity; then we’ll see if they fetch more than some $666,000 ruby red slippers that Judy Garland had worn while filming Wizard of Oz did at a Christie’s auction fourteen years ago.
According to Guinness, no one knows how many red shoes Garland used in the production of W.O.O. The above pic is from the Smithsonian (not the pair auctioned).
One more thing: Toe cameras put the sneak in sneaker.
A Japanese law-enforcement official points out the pinhead camera embedded in a brand of sneakers which have already sold 2,500 pairs while society figures out if they should be legal. It’s a law tightrope, because multiple cameras on just about everything we wear are “OK” (really though?) , but being so easily able to take photos upwardly, undetected… skirt wearers take note.