My First Sneaker Buy of 2018

I made my first sneaker purchase of 2018 and it was love at first fit. $150 factory fresh straight off the manufacturer’s site- no raffles, lines or reseller hijinks. From a distance, the average consumer wouldn’t even notice how hype they are, but up close the beauty blossoms, and on foot- they make me feel bad for other sneakers. Time reveals the true soul of a shoe so I’ve decided to rock these for a year before claiming they’re my favorite sneakers ever. Maybe I’d even buy a second pair- does anyone ever do that? Off the top, here’s why I think they’re so great:

  • They’re from a longtime maker of athletic footwear, but not the “big 2” (Nike & Adidas), who both frankly bore me these days.
  • The branding/logo is present, but very tastefully incorporated into the design to where a fool would have to zoom in to see what kind they were unless they were a sneaker hawk expert. 
  • They’re majority leather (meaning cowhide, sorry PETA) – two different textures on the outer, and smooth leather on the inner lacedeck and heel. Meaning they’ll last better and won’t get stinky like your boy’s petroleum-based overpriced sneakers.
  • The removable insoles are leather topped. You have no idea how disappointing sneaker shopping can be when shoe after shoe asking over a hundred have the same chintzy fabric-coated insoles that you’d find on any Payless cheapos. Nothing feels better than leather- the perspiration absorbing qualities will keep your feet fresher longer while molding to the shape of your footprint in a way inferior synthetic coating could never.
  • The insides of the tongue are leather- a nice buttery padded leather that rests against the bony foot tops ever so lovely you can almost hear thy feet say “ahhh…” when I  give that final tie-up.
  • The outside of the tongues are suede. After trying many brands of leather sneakers, my observation is that leather tongues (due to the nature of athletic shoe construction) rubbing against leather insides of the lacedeck can elicit a creaking sound while walking. A little dab of Obenauf’s or petroleum jelly has remedied this on past sneakers, but these with the suede up against leather- brilliant! No squeaks, no goo needed . The tongues never slide too much and they don’t even have nor need lace-slots.
  • The laces are perfect length. Minor thing, but seven times out of ten I replace the stock laces when I buy shoes because they’re usually way too long. Everyone removes their shoelaces and measures them upon purchasing right? They’re 49 inches and that’s the sweet spot between the 54″s that come stock with most sneakers and a more manageable (yet too short) 45″. Like Minnie Riperton sang “The simple things…”
  • They look killer and I feel like a superhero when I put them on.

So these sneaks are great at first step. I feel like I can wear them anytime with anything dressed up or down, but let’s see how I feel a year from now. Peace!

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